Sunday, March 07, 2010

I'm deficient....

Hmmmph. I'm deficient in iron and Vitamin D. So now I have to take prescription supplements. And did I mention I'm not even 30 yet??? I shouldn't have to take prescription supplements for at least another 30 years!!! I've always been anemic....well, since high school at least. I remember dragging on the basketball court and always being so tired. A teammate had suggested that I get my hematocrit tested, and sure enough, I was anemic and given some iron supplements to take. It was amazing what a difference it made! Within 2 weeks I could tell a huge difference, especially during basketball (and so could my coach and teammates).

Honestly, I've been really exhausted lately, but I just chalked it up to working really hard and being super busy. I guess I didn't really allow myself to realize how tired I actually was, I mean, all I do is go to work and hit up the gym a few times a week. It's not like I have a baby to take care of or like I'm training for a marathon!

As for the Vitamin D deficiency? Well, let's just say I'm sitting in the sun on my balcony writing this blog right now :) I know my diet isn't crammed full of fruits and vegetables and I probably don't drink as much milk as I should, but I still think I'm a fairly healthy person.

Here's hoping to feeling energized and rejuvinated in a few weeks when these supplements start to kick in!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Anne, it's because you're a red head! Did you ever hear/read that? Hope you feel energized again soon!