Sunday, March 28, 2010

Top 10 Things I'm Thankful for Even Though I'm Sick

10. Nyquil!!! SO glad that I've been able to sleep through the night for the past 3 nights!
9. Beautiful weather outside. I think relaxing in the fresh air has definitely helped me feel better.
8. That I worked my way up to being able to eat whatever I want.
7. My stockpile of magazines that has been building up because I've been too busy to read them the past few weeks.
6. Simultaneous back pain. While I am never "thankful" that my back is hurting, I'm glad that it decided to flare up when I'm already missing work because I'm sick so I can just rest.
5. That I did my weekly shopping trip to Publix on Wednesday, right before I started feeling bad. My goal for today was going to be to make it back out to Publix for a few more things but there's no way that's going to happen.
4. HGTV and The Real Housewives of NYC.
3. Bailey being (relatively) calm and completely house trained. Tom's been at work a lot so I've been Bailey's only option when she needs to go out. Luckily she only goes out 2x/day.
2. That I've had enough energy to shower every day. I have to gather my energy on the couch for a few hours first, but afterwards I feel much better.
1. Finally, I'm thankful that I don't feel like this all of the time!! Although I'm beginning to wonder when I'm going to start feeling better. Hopefully by tomorrow morning because I'm planning on going back to work!!

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