Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do Dah Day

Yikes! Sorry it's been OVER A WEEK since my last blog update! We've been slightly busy. This weekend we got to slow down for a bit and take Bailey out to enjoy her 2nd Do Dah Day. We had a good time and Bailey had a blast playing with all of her friends!! We got there early enough to watch the parade. We saw an 8 year old tortoise, named Franklin, who weighs 65 pounds and can live to be as old as 80 years old! And apparently Bailey doesn't like brown horses. She never barks, like ever, and when she does it is usually just one "bark." Well, she was hanging out, watching the parade, ready to pounce on the next treat that someone threw to her, when all of the sudden she started going crazy and would not stop barking at this big horse! She finally calmed down, but I've never seen her like that before. Maybe she had a bad experience with horses before she came to live with us? Who knows. Enjoy the pics. I promise to update more often!
Franklin the Tortoise
Bailey's enemy
Jack and Bailey
Bailey's not so sure about Briar
Taking a break in the shade
Me & Paige
Remmy & Wynn
This little puppy kept trying to climb on Bailey! He was so cute but Bailey wanted nothing to do with him!
Casper and his new lady friend

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