Thursday, May 06, 2010

Goal Update

Soooooooo I didn't do so hot in April with sticking to my goals. Work got pretty busy and then I tried to change my entire diet....long story. Anyways, here's the breakdown.

1. Complete an online Harvard Leadership course for work. Pass!! I only did one though.
2. Go to the gym before work every Tuesday and Thursday (Oy.) This would have to be a fail the way it is written. I did however make it to the gym several other days in the morning before work. Still impressive considering it's been probably close to a year since I've gone to the gym in the morning before work!
3. Not spend more than $50 for supplies for freezer cooking day (this includes chicken, which I need to buy A LOT of....hopefully it will go on sale soon!!!) I think I failed on this too. I was buying food when I was in the middle of changing my diet, and then I started having mental status changes (not really) so my judgement may have been clouded.
4. Take a break from all of my couponing. I'm not really sure what this will entail but Tom thinks I need to "give it a rest" for a little while. I actually kind of agree. Big fat fail. Instead I decided to start a frugal blog in the middle of my "couponing break."
5. File our taxes. Pass! Taxes were filed on time!
6. Keep doing back exercises at least 3x/week! We're going to say pass for this one. I don't know if I actually did them "3x/week" but I felt like I did them a lot.

Stay tuned for May goals!

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