Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Speak English, it makes sense to me.

Believe it or not, that is the main advertising campaign of one of the candidates for Alabama Governor. We've actually gotten some enjoyment out of the ridiculous ads for republican candidates in Alabama. Here are a few of our favorite quotes:
  • "Driver license tests should only be given in English. We speak English in Alabama, learn it. It makes sense to me, does it make sense to you?"
  • "Those liberals are trying to trick us."
  • "I've been a farmer, a businessman, a cop, a marine. So listen up, Alabama Ag commissioner is one of the most powerful positions in Alabama, responsible for over 5 million dollars. I bet you didn't know that. Ya know why? Thugs and criminals!"
  • "He's not a conservative, he's a liberal!"

First, watch this to see the ridiculousness that we have to watch during commercials, then, watch this spoof for a good laugh.

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