Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's Birthday Week!!!

I officially declare it BIRTHDAY WEEK! It started yesterday (I decided after the fact) when I met a friend at the mall to do a little shopping. You can read about that here. I had wanted to go shopping on my actual birthday but I think I did enough yesterday that I don't need to spend more money on my birthday :) Last night my friend Paige came over for a couple drinks and some good conversation. Today I'm spending the day getting caught up on stuff around the house, but if I can achieve some level of organization before this week starts it will significantly decrease my stress level (since it seems to be inversely related to my "To Do" list.....and I love to make lists!)

I'm not sure what else this week will hold but I'm very much looking forward to my day off on Friday....and my first ever massage (for free)!!!

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