Sunday, December 05, 2010

It's December alright!

I was looking back through old posts on my blog this weekend and I came across this post, from three years ago. I can assure you that is not the case in Chicago! We got our first snow late Friday night. It was anywhere between 3-5 inches. Enough to cover everything and be beautiful and remind me of how much I missed snow! Enough to make it annoying to wipe off the car and get all slushy/dirty gross and remind me how much I didn't miss snow ;) Bailey thoroughly enjoyed it. The video below is from this morning, so she's not quite as energetic as she was yesterday when she saw it for the first time. Tom said she went CRAZY! Eating it, licking it, running in it, sliding in it, and digging in it.

Friday night Tom put together our chairs that we ordered to complete our living room. We made a little sitting area with two chairs that I found on the super cheap at and a table that I re-painted (and sanded, and primed, and painted, and polyurethaned). I love it!Saturday we got our Christmas tree, but we couldn't decorate it until Sunday because it was covered in snow and we wanted to make sure it all melted off the tree before we plugged in the lights! Bailey took this opportunity to curl up on the tree skirt thinking it was her new sitting area ;)

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