Thursday, December 02, 2010


So, back in September and October, before I hurt my back, I was really getting bored with my exercise routine. I pretty much stopped doing my core stabilization exercises (paid for that one big time) and I was down to running like once or twice a week....and for 20 minutes at the MOST. The gym was boring, outside was boring, the treadmill in our PT gym at the hospital was boring. I needed a change, but I just couldn't motivate myself to figure out what I needed.

Then I hurt my back and I was unable to exercise, let alone remain upright for more than an hour or so, for a while. Since the move I've started to run once a week, but not very far or long, obviously, since I have no endurance built up.

I've been saying that I wanted to try yoga for a while now, but could never make it to the classes at the gym with my work schedule. When we got our cable set up I was flipping through the channels and I found an Exercise TV channel. I think it's called FitTV. They have various exercise programs on all day, including yoga twice a day. I did one of the sessions, and then found more yoga On Demand. I've been doing it a few times a week and I really enjoy it! It's so hard, because I'm so inflexible, and I've gotten tighter as I've gotten older. Especially my postural muscles, so it's felt good to challenge my body in a way other than cardiovascularly.

Sometimes Bailey tries to do yoga with me and other times she passes out on the couch...I think the soothing voice and music puts her to sleep. I'd much rather have her sleeping on the couch than trying to participate, because it's hard to maintain Downward Facing Dog when your own dog is licking your arms and trying to walk underneath you!

1 comment:

Chi-town Southerner said...

If you decide to look for a yoga studio, check out Bloom. They have a variety of classes, and their teachers are top notch. Robyn is my favorite!