Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Arts Fest and Gnocchi Night

Last Sunday we went to Birmingham’s version of Arts Fest, “Magic City Art.” Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately (if you don't remember what happened last year), we didn't buy anything. There was some pretty cool stuff and I loved the atmosphere. Tom got a giant corndog for lunch. And there were lots of puppies there. Maybe next year Bailey will have calmed down enough that we could take her to an event like this....maybe.

Sunday night we went over to our friends Anne & Brian's house for Gnocchi night. Anne made the dough and we all helped roll the dough into little gnocchi pieces. I made a kick-ass salad to go along with dinner. Here is the recipe. I substituted balsamic vinegar for white, used sweet onion, and omitted the poppy seeds because I didn't have any.

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