Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Excited about Southern Summer Night this Friday, Orange Beach Trip with friends next month
Worried about how much money we've spent this summer! We haven't had to go into debt or anything like that but we haven't been saving as much as I would have liked. Oh well, you only live once and we're living it up since this could be our last summer in Bama (and our last summer living close to some dear friends!) Sad.
Reading A Thousand Splendid Suns
Creating extra room in our budget for all the fun stuff we are doing
Loving all of the fun things we've been able to do this summer
Hating weekends being too short!
Wondering if things will work out the way I would like them to at work
Craving buffalo chicken dip
Listening to Coming Down by The Enemy Lovers
DVR-ing Burn Notice (Ok, I don't have DVR and I haven't had plans on Thursday nights in a while but if both of those things were true than this is what I would be DVR-ing)
Looking forward to seeing Mom and Dad this weekend and our brief overnight trip to Atlanta
Stealing this idea from Crystal

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was also thinking of stealing that idea from Crystal!!! hehehehehe