Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Neighborhood Dogs

Bailey's neighborhood friends are all very awesome and unique, I can't believe I haven't blogged about them yet. I really really wish I had pictures of each of them to do it justice, but I don't really want to weird out any of our neighbors by asking them if I can take a picture of their dog for my blog! So I will do my best to give you an idea of what they're like by describing them and then stealing pictures from the internet :)
Our immediate next door neighbors have a 4 month old pitbull named Kingston. He pees the second he sees you and he adores Bailey. He always tries to lick her face and run underneath her. When they first brought him home, Kingston looked like a clown. He had his ears cropped and taped with a little bar in between to keep them up and he has GINORMOUS paws!!
Then we have Lil' Bit. The guy that lives below us has a live-in girlfriend and this is her dog. Lil' Bit is this tiny, 14 year old, gray, sickly looking dog that the guy below us lovingly calls "The Rat." I think he's some kind of terrier mix. He's not really too fond of Bailey. He'll sit on the balcony and when he sees Bailey come out for a walk he does this kind of half-growl/half-bark. It's like he's saying "I don't like you but I'm old and I don't care enough about you to even bark." Also, he's afraid of tennis balls.
Diagonal from us we have a bulldog, Calvin. Calvin is awesome and his owners are doing their best to teach him how to skateboard! Unfortunately, all Calvin wants to do is eat the skateboard. He's always panting real heavy and if he decides he wants to check something out when his mom is taking him for a walk, she just has to hold on tight because he pulls her all over the place. Calvin is also a Georgia Tech fan.

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