Tuesday, August 17, 2010

DIY Hot pepper sauce

Tom's pepper plant has been growing out of control. We finally had enough red peppers (or so we thought) to harvest them and try our hand at some homemade hot sauce. Tom actually took the lead on this one (and by "lead" I mean that he did all of the work and all I did was snap a few pictures when I picked myself up off the couch).He found some recipes online and I think he ended up improvising a little. The sauce was so hot it burned my eyes when I just walked by the kitchen, not even in it. Unfortunately, our little peppers didn't yield as much hot sauce as I had hoped. But we still got to make our own!


Brian said...

Wow, that's gotta be hot! Tom, I need you to report the capsaicin concentration in molarity. You know, quality control for future batches...

Dad said...

Save some for the Alabama game!

Unknown said...

I think scoville units would be more appropriate...