Saturday, April 16, 2011

DMK, Happiness, & Warmer Weather

Yay! We finally did something fun! Friday night we went out to eat with my friend Jess from PSU and a couple of her friends that we have gotten to know through her. We went to DMK Burger Bar, and had some of the best burgers and fries I've ever had! (Warning: This claim may change after we finally get around to eating at Kuma's Corner....apparently the BEST burger joint in all of Chicago, that happens to double has a heavy metal bar).

It is finally beginning to warm up here in Chicago (although again, I'm not holding my breath). It's amazing how much of a difference the warmer weather has on my mood. The other day I was just thinking about how content I was and I think I finally realized why. Not only is it starting to warm up, but we are finally settled! I am out of my "orientation phase" at work (that lasted 3 months, but was well worth it). My Probationary Eval went exceptionally well and I finally feel like a "real therapist" again. My schedule has picked up significantly and I'm thoroughly enjoying my job, both the outpatient setting and the supportive environment. Tom's job is going well too. He recently returned from AACR and he's been keeping busy in the lab.

I'm really looking forward to summer in Chicago. We don't have any vacations or mini-vacations planned yet, but we're starting to look at some options. Hopefully everything will fall into place!

1 comment:

Chi-town Southerner said...

Kuma's is good, but the wait is LOOOONG! Be prepared to wait, and don't arrive there too hungry.