Monday, August 22, 2011

9 out of 10 Facebook Status Updates Annoy Me

**Disclaimer** PLEASE don't anyone get offended by this. Facebook has just been annoying the crap out of me lately so I decided to blog about it (in case you haven't noticed, I've been lacking in the blogging creativity department lately). I myself am guilty of posting some of the exact statuses below, so again, take no offense :)

1. I don't care what you had for dinner, nor do I need to see a picture of it

2. You don't need to wish your 6 month old happy birthday, I guarantee they won't have any idea what Facebook even is for quite some time, let alone be able to read the message. The same goes for leaving messages directed at your pet. Pretty sure they can't read, or manipulate a mouse, or log onto facebook.

3. Yes, we know you are "truly blessed" and appreciative of all of the birthday wishes

4. Great job, you're letting everyone know that it's "Five o'clock somewhere" and you're starting to drink mid-afternoon

5. Song quotes really aren't necesary...just go listen to the song and sing out loud

6. I get it, you are redo-ing your house/yard/garage/just bought a new house - I know, how many trips to Home Depot can one person make?!

7. Congratulations, you just booked your 4th vacation of the year. Yes, we are all jealous.

8. I'm so sorry you have the tough decision of only being able to bring 4 pairs of shoes on your vacation because that's all that will fit in your suitcase. Life must be really, really tough for you. Somehow you'll pull through.

9. Change your profile picture to a cartoon character or your favorite "fill in the blank." It will put an end to everything bad in the world!

10. My husband/wife/mom/dad/sister/brother/friends are the best in the whole world! I love you so much! Just tell that person. No one else cares.

Well, look at that, I guess it's 10 out of 10 status updates that annoy me.

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