Saturday, April 21, 2012

DIY Project Update

I've had a couple of things on my DIY Project list for quite some time and managed to finally take care of them over the past few weekends. First, we had this ugly shelf thing that we used as Tom's bedside table for the longest time. When we finally purchased bedroom furniture last year, the ugly shelf went into the outdoor storage area and sat there until I decided to paint it. I still had some brown paint leftover from when I painted our table in our "sitting area" in the living room. And I bought some cute baskets at Target that fit perfect on the shelves. I'm not really sure what we're going to use this for or where we're going to put it, but I really like the finished product!

Our outside table was past due for a repeat staining and sealing. The last time I stained it was in 2009 and it's seen a lot of elements since then! A little work on a Sunday afternoon and voila! Good as new! I wish I had before pictures for this table and for the shelves so you could see the dramatic difference!

I made my 2nd (and final, for now) homemade wreath. I made one last fall - and I love it, but this one was a little less time consuming and a little cheaper too. I had heard rumors that the Dollar Tree had some good fake flowers/berries from time to time, so every so often I would check it out. I was so excited to finally find GREEN berries that I bought all of them. I made the whole wreath for under $10 :D

And last but not least, I had a little Freezer Cooking session this morning. Okay, so this isn't exactly DIY, but it did involve me "doing stuff myself" and I don't feel like it needs it's own post ;) I made four recipes out of Once A Month Cooking: Family Favorites and four recipes (so EIGHT pizza crusts) of Pioneer Woman's pizza dough! I also cooked and chopped some chicken for some casseroles, but I got a little burnt out and didn't actually make the casseroles. Although prepared chicken will certainly cut down on the prep time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The furniture looks good...I think I remember that shelving unit from when you lived here yes??? Anyway, hoping your enjoying Chicago. Miss you guys!!!