Sunday, March 22, 2009


Happy Spring everyone! Friday was officially the first day of spring, although it's been beautiful here ever since this day. I love, love, love springtime, especially in Alabama. The weather is so gorgeous in March and April and you can do all kinds of things outside. Living in PA I would always get the warm weather bug in March but unfortunately have to wait at least 2 more months (and endure 1-2 more snow storms) before it was actually nice enough to wear flip flops and tank tops.

This weekend was full of signs that Spring is here. I was able to drink my coffee on the balcony both days (although I had to wear a sweatshirt, but still totally worth it). I filed our taxes Saturday morning. We washed the car earlier today, although I'm sure it will be covered in pollen again by the end of the week. We took Bailey for multiple walks/runs outside. I bought another basil plant. I stained our little balcony table that was quite weathered. And we celebrated a belated St. Patty's Day with some friends. It was pretty low key compared to some of our other St. Patty's Day celebrations. We enjoyed some grilled pizzas, 1 carbomb (how responsible of us), some games, and good company.

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