Monday, July 24, 2006


Man, I feel like every other post is about our chinchilla saga. As you all know, Tiago passed away last week. Our new little guy Quito, was very active and kind of a brat while Tiago was still with him. However, after Tiago left us, Quito became very melancholy and didn't move around a whole lot. Tom read online that chinchilla's really do have personalities and you can usually tell when they are depressed. Regardless of whether that's true or not, Quito was definitely acting differently.

So Tom and I had a talk and he really wanted to get a new buddy for Quito. My main concern (see first chinchilla-related blog) was that we are going to be in this never-ending cycle of buying chinchillas after one dies, but Tom promised that if we get another one and something happens to him or Quito, that will be the end. No more chinchillas.

So I went to the pool yesterday and Tom went to the pet store to "look" at the chinchillas. There was one left in the cage and he came home with it. We think it might actually be the same one that was in the cage with Quito when we bought him, so that would be pretty cool.

Anyways, I am in love with our new little guy. He's so docile and kinda clumsy...I Love him! We think we are going to name him Chimu. It was either Chimu or Chako....the only 2 cities in South America that we liked as pet names.

So we have two chinchillas again.......*sigh* Hopefully these guys will be healthy and happy and we will have them for a long time. They sure are cute when they cuddle together :) This is how I found them when I got home from work today.......I can't tell which one is which in this picture. Quito is probably on top.

P.S. Tom took a video of them with my camera when they were taking dust baths/running around in the tub. I submitted it to Planet's Funniest Animals on Animal Planet so if you see 2 chinchillas running around in a tub-one taking a dust bath, one trying to jump out of the tub (Quito!)- that's them! :)


Unknown said...

YEAH new chinchillas....since I missed Quitos debut this weekend I'll definitely need to stop by to see the two of them.

Unknown said...

How about Montevideo for the new chinny...I mean wouln't that be fun...and I'm sure Dario would have a good time with the fact that you named your chinchilla after his home country's capital. Just an idea. Otherwise I like Chimu.