Monday, July 03, 2006

Quito! The newest member of our family!

Soooooooo, happy early 4th everyone....and happy belated birthday to me :) Thanks to everyone for all of the birthday wishes too! Oh and I have to comment that Kathleen must have had off today since she didn't comment on my blog :) Ok, so for the exciting news!!

We got another chinchilla! See blog circa June 30 for my feelings on getting a buddy for Tiago. But when we went to the pet store again today, they had 2 chinchilla babies and they were so cute playing with each other! And Tom's had his heart set on getting Tiago a buddy for like years now. So we left with a little boy chinchilla. And then we named him Quito to stick with the "capitals of South America" name theme.

Let me just fill you in on the whole chinchilla story and how we came to get Tiago in the first place.....

Rewind to Tracie's first chinchilla (Tray was the original owner of Tiago). Her first chinchilla was named Lima after the capital of Peru since chinchillas are from South America. Lima had a tragic accident in the winter of '00 and then Tray got Tiago (short for Santiago). Tom and Tiago met when Tray and I lived together at Penn State. Fastforward to a couple of years later when Tracie graduated from PSU...and didn't take Tiago with her on her new adventures. Long story short, Tiago needed a home and Tom's birthday was coming on a joint effort between Tracie's parents, my (wonderful) Aunt Judy, and my parents....Tiago made the trek from Erie to Philadelphia to live with Tom.

Currently Tiago and Quito are investigating each other in their cage, and Tom cut them a new home from Quito's take-home box. They were squeaking at each other a lot at first....and I thought they were biting each other but Tom says they were grooming each other. Hopefully they'll get along. They're both males and are supposed to be the less dominant and more compliant gender of the species (I could comment here re: blog circa July 1 but I won't). Anyways, here is a couple pics of the new little guy.

And here is Quito (center) and Tiago (left) getting to know each other.

Currently they are eating dinner and sharing a food bowl! It's so cute! Hopefully they will become fast friends and won't fight!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OMG they are so cute!!! I love babies like you do anne, but animal babies are my preference hehehe