Thursday, July 06, 2006

DMV story

Hola loyal blog readers :) It's a frigid 85 degrees today in Birmingham. It's actually quite nice, considering that since we've moved down here it's been anywhere from 94-103! That's sad that I think 85 is "refreshing."

Anyways boy do I have a story for you! Ok, DMV's are notorious for being ridiculous and a pain in the butt but the ones in Alabama top them all! I've seriously attempted to get my Alabama license and get my name changed at the DMV like 5 times! (At two different DMV sites). Although 4 of those times I either didn't have everything I needed or we didn't make it in time to get on "the list" or we just didn't feel like wasting our whole afternoon at the DMV.

Ok, so let me explain how it works down here. They only accept 60 people a day for new licenses/out of state transfers. And it's worse during the summer because all the little 16-year-olds trying to get their license take up valuable spots. Anyways, you have to ARRIVE at the DMV at 5:30 in the morning if you want to be guaranteed a spot. Seriously. When people told us this we were like "okay, whatever" and just thought they were exaggerating. So anyways, people start arriving and lining up outside with their lawn chairs at 5:30 in the morning. The DMV doesn't even open until 8! We got there at 7 yesterday...and considered ourselves lucky that we actually got a number.

So that brings me to the second hurdle. After waking up ridiculously early and standing in line (in the heat) for 2 hours, you have to be lucky enough to be close to the front of the line so you can get one of the 30 numbers they hand out. That pretty much guarantees you a long as you're patient enough to sit there and wait your turn. (And for everyone who knows me, you all know how difficult this must have been for me!)
Okay, so I was lucky enough to get a number yesterday (Number 92....but they only started at number 70). So if you come after the numbers are handed out (i.e. right at 8:00 when they open) you can put your name on a list. I think they must take 30 names, and then by like 8:45 the list is closed for the day and if you missed the cut you have to come back the next day and start the whole vicious process all over again!

So anyways, back to me. So I got my number, then realized I didn't have my birth certificate or passport with me! I had my PA license, my new SS card, and my marriage license....but waking up at 5:30 in the morning apparently made me forget some pretty important stuff. So wonderful Tommy drove back home to get my passport while I waited at the DMV. Then I proceeded to wait until 11:45 when they called my number (the most triumphant moment ever!) Then the lady was incompetent and didn't understand how to read a marriage license, but I talked her through it. I thought I was home free and then she asked me to take the vision test. Crap, that's when I realized I had taken my glasses out of my purse like 2 days earlier. So she said I had to come back later with my glasses to take the vision test but I would still be able to get my license that day as long as I was back by 3:30.

So I called Tom and he was actually on his way to pick me up so I had him swing by the apt to get my glasses. So in the end....after almost 6 hours at the DMV, I am proud to say that I walked out with an Alabama license with my name officially changed! Although I absolutely HATE the picture on my license and they put your weight on your license! And again, I was not thinking and rounded up instead of rounding down when she asked for my weight. What the hell is wrong with me?!?! Haha. Anyways, I think this constitutes as the LONGEST BLOG EVER! So congratulations if you made it to the end of it :)

P.S. We will be in Philly this weekend for Tom's friends wedding! We won't have much time to hang out but please call if you're in the area and we can try to meet up!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

hahah Anne....i bet you got some grey hairs and much needed beers that day!