Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!! Tom and I did, that's for sure. We stuffed ourselves silly. We had a big breakfast, and thank goodness because our turkey was still frozen after 65 hours in the fridge so it took a little while longer to cook than I had anticipated! Good thing it was just me and Tom! For breakfast we finally cooked the scrapple that Pappy gave to Tom when we were home in September. After breakfast I went on my second annual walk with Bentley around the neighborhood :) It was so nice outside!! Bentley took some naps after our walk....each time with a different toy.

While I was busy cooking dinner, Tom set up an obstacle course for the chins in their "playroom" aka our second bathroom.

FINALLY it was time to eat!! We had Turkey with Herbes de Provence and Citrus, baked oyster casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes (in a bag! I cheated!!), broccoli and cauliflower in cheese sauce, and turkey gravy.

And then there was dessert: Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Fantastic! I hope our dog isn't being too much trouble...but it looks as though she's just sleeping. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving, and we'll be over for leftovers at about 2pm tomorrow.