Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a great weekend.......ahhhhhhhhh.........

Tom and I thoroughly enjoyed our first four day weekend in Alabama! Although we were both sad that we were unable to come home and see our families for the holiday. And technicially it wasn't a full four day weekend as Tom was in lab for 3/4 days (not full days thankfully, more like just an hour or 2, but still).

Today was spent thinking of things to make with leftover turkey, running errands, and relaxing. We (I) ended up making chunky turkey noodle soup. Yum. We have a ton leftover if anyone wants some! Yesterday was spent watching football.

Friday I got up at 4:20 AM to go stand in line at Walmart! Overall, I made out like a bandit on Black Friday. I was able to get just about everything on the list. And standing in line at Walmart was quite entertaining. The woman behind me was talking to another woman about how bad her life has been the past 5 years.......

"I was in the hospital, and they told me I was supposed to die! I ain't dead, here I am! Boy were they wrong! Then, my one son decide he goin' to Iraq. Then my other son decide he goin' to prison cuz he done shoot his girlfriend!" Don't laugh Anne, don't even crack a smile, people are watching you.

Man, that was fun. But I was happy because they had what I wanted by the time I got to the front of the line (an 8 GB mp3 player which cost $100 less than the ipod equivalent). I also got some tupperware (wooo, how exciting!!). Then it was off to Staples for some memory cards and jump drives. Stood in line for an hour (boooooooooooo) but got everything I wanted (yay!). After Staples I went to Verizon to get my new phone, the LG Voyager, because it was super on sale. I've had my eye on it for about 8 months now just waiting for the price to drop, and then I pounced ;) Then it was off to the mall. Ugh. Sooo crowded at 8:30 in the morning. I had been wanting a bigger purse and Tom needs a few new dress shirts so I hit up the department stores to see what I could find. Done and done. Got out of there as fast as I could. Then I swung by World Market to pick up some Electric Reindeer wine (I like the name, and it was super cheap)! After that it was football, football, and more football :) Except for when we took a time out to go get Tom's new phone (LG Venus), in black, of course, not pink.

Also, if anyone wants some leftover pumpkin gingerbread trifle, please stop by! That thing was huge and despite Tom and my best efforts, we are unable to conquer it!!

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