Wednesday, March 11, 2009

25 Random Things

So, if you've been on Facebook at all, you have probably seen people filling out "25 Random Things" and "tagging" people in it so they have to fill it out too. Initially, I refused to do this. And I still refuse to do it on FB, but my curiousity got the best of me and I decided to see what 25 random things about myself I could come up with. So, here they are.

1. I hate board games.
2. I LOVE the tv shows Gossip Girl and Friday Night Lights
3. Cheese gritz is my favorite southern food (My co-worker's recipe only, I’m picky)
4. I cry easily
5. I had a purple trapper keeper with stars on it in elementary school.
6. I don’t like chewing gum after the first 5 seconds. The texture weirds me out.
7. On snow days in middle school I loved playing Legend of Zelda on super Nintendo with my brother.
8. I call my dog completely random and ridiculous names that I’d be embarrassed if I accidentally used them in public.
9. I love blogging.
10. I will never, ever run a full marathon ever again. People that enjoy that are crazy.
11. When I was 4 my Grandpa Borys accidentally broke my favorite purple headband in half. To be funny he broke it up into a million tiny pieces and asked if that was better. I sobbed for hours. In my little mind I thought it would be okay if I fixed the 2 broken pieces with a piece of tape. When he kept breaking it, it destroyed me.
12. I’m pretty anal and get anxious if things don’t go according to plan.
13. I love, love, love my family reunions on my dad’s side and hope that we continue them as long as I live.
14. I knew Tom was “the one” the minute we started dating. (And by “dating” I mean watching Dumb and Dumber and drinking Labatt’s Blue….it was college, we were broke)
15. I can’t even count the number of kids I have worked with who have passed away in the short 4 years I have been a PT.
16. I love making our budget.
17. I had to wear a head gear to school when I was in 5th grade. My first trip to the orthodontist was in 2nd grade and I didn't get my braces off until the end of 8th grade. My teeth were horrendous!
18. I will be really sad to leave Alabama (Surprise! I didn’t see that one coming!)
19. Dancing in THON was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Who would of thought I would be able to stay on my feet for 48 hours straight, let alone stay awake for 48 hours straight….2 years in a row!!
20. I once dangled a fake skeleton foot out of a 16th story window with an extension cord and a sign attached that said “Beer Please” to our neighbors below who were having a party……ahhhhhh Study Group.
21. In grad school I had 3 great friends and we referred to ourselves as “Study Group” although we actually did little to no studying when we got together. (See # 20)
22. I cut open a dead guy. His name was Elvis. Elvis the Pelvis.
23. I've never had a spa day.
24. I once worked in a group home where one of the residents would randomly say things like "The dragons are playing games in the sky!" and he would stare at the wall, while tracing an imaginary line with his finger and saying "Hamburgler!"
25. My high school basketball coach broke my nose during practice.

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