Saturday, March 28, 2009

Unexpected house guest!

So when we finally got home yesterday (at 7:15 PM!!), I took Bailey outside to do her business. While we were walking out our neighbor asked me if I knew who's dog was running around in the parking lot. I didn't, but there are a couple people who let their dogs off their leash (so jealous), so I figured the owner was near by. When we were walking back in, the dog was still there and my neighbor said she hasn't seen anyone else outside. It was already dark, and I didn't want the little guy to get runover, so I lured him with some treats I happened to have on me and picked him up. He had a tag with a phone number on it so the girl offered to call the owner. So I was holding Graham (that's what his tag said, at least) with one arm, I had Bailey on the retractable leash and her poo bag in my other hand, and the girl was trying to read the tag to get the phone number. While this was going on Bailey was doing 1 of 2 things, jumping all over me to try to get to Graham, or slinking away to eat the cat food that these annoying people keep sitting out for these stray cats (that's a whole other story). No one answered so the girl left a message for Graham's owner and I brought him upstairs. Bailey was going crazy trying to sniff Graham. She was nuts, but harmless. Graham on the other hand was quite mean. He showed his teeth and growled at her. Brat. Regardless of his meaness to Bailey we kept him until his owner finally called us back. She had let some friends come over to borrow some furniture and apparently they "forgot" to lock up. And Graham escaped. Here's a photo of little Graham Cracker cuddling up with one of Bailey's toys.

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