Thursday, May 21, 2009

Material Girl

I don't really think of myself as being materialistic but I have been seriously craving some certain inanimate objects lately. If I won a million dollars, here is what I would buy (after paying off student loans, donating to charity, buying a house with 100% downpayment, saving for a baby, maxing out 401K's and Roth IRA's, and putting 6 months-1 year living expenses in the bank):

Wish List
  • 46" LCD HDTV (I had thought I would be conent with a 42" flatscreen, but after seeing some recent bigger tv's my desires have increased)
  • 32" LCD HDTV (for the bedroom). My little 13" one is just annoying. I need binoculars to see it from the bed ;)
  • This new digital camera (my digital camera is functioning fine, I just really want a Canon)
  • These soft looking towels (we don't really need new towels....although we kinda do. Bailey barfed on 1 and we had to throw it away. The other ones are functional but not pretty.
  • These new sheets. (Okay, so we don't really need new sheets either, but we kind of do. Our "nice" white sheets must have got caught in the washer or something because they are starting to tear at one end.)
  • A new couch, and maybe a big comfy chair. Our couch is absolutely fine, I just want something a little more cushiony/modern. And surprisingly white couches are growing on me. I know, I know, you are thinking "White?! Are you CRAZY?!" I thought the exact same thing. But then one of the bloggers who's blog I frequent brought up a good point. You can just remove the covers, throw them in the washer with bleach, and voila! Good as new.
  • Curtains for the bedroom. White, simple. And a curtain rod. And a curtain rod for the living room (already have the curtains). To be honest curtains and curtain rods stress me out. There are so many different kinds, shapes, sizes, and colors. Where is one to start?!
  • Fishies!! We've had an empty fish tank for 3 years now!!!

The approximate grand total for my material obsessions? $3,528 Oy! :(

Addendum: Apparently my desire is actually to purchase these things, not just to spend money and get good deals. In the middle of writing this post my ADD kicked in and I started writing my weekly grocery list for Publix. The awesome deals were overwhelming so I decided to just go shopping tonight. I also wanted to swing by a couple other stores that I had coupons for.
Publix: Spent $26, Saved $67
Vicky's: $90 worth of undies for $25
Bath and Body Works: Spent $0, Saved $5 (coupon for free lotion)

1 comment:

Sara said...

You should be sure to email this post to Tom in a couple of weeks so that he has time to wrap the couch for your birthday. ;)