Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Second Annual Orange Beach Trip with Friends!

Last Wednesday evening after work Tom, our friend Stacy, and I loaded up the car and set out for Orange Beach, AL. We arrived super late Wednesday night, but conditions were perfect for sitting on the balcony overlooking the ocean, enjoying a corona with a lime, and watching Perseids, the meteor shower that happened to take place the same night we arrived. It wasn't anything tooooo spectacular, but we did see a handful of shooting stars. Still pretty awesome to be at the beach, drinking a corona, overlooking the ocean, watching shooting stars :)

We spent all day Thursday relaxing on the beach, frolicking in the ocean, and trying to avoid the tens of thousands (exaggeration) of GIANT (at least 12-inch diameter - not an exaggeration) jellyfish! There were seriously a lot. We could see them while we were swimming in the ocean and people were catching them constantly in these big nets, and then burying them in sand to kill them. Thankfully none of us got stung. For dinner that night we had crablegs, yum, my favorite.
We spent all day Friday chillaxing on the beach as well until the rest of our crew (Brian, Anne, & Kelly) arrived. Chef Brian cooked us up an awesome shrimp boil for dinner and we enjoyed some Hurricanes (some stronger than others....Stacy!!!) before heading to our main attraction of the night, the Florabama.
The Florabama is this totally ridiculous bar right on the Florida/Alabama border. It would normally not be my scene but they serve this awesome drink called a Bushwhacker which is kind of like an alcoholic frosty. Two bushwhackers and some frolicking on the beach later, we headed back to the condo for some more ridiculousness and good times.

Saturday we all headed down to the beach, but there were some storms brewing off in the distance so it wasn't quite as relaxing to just lay on the beach. Tom hung out in the ocean for a while - I joined him briefly but the waves were bigger than the past couple days (still not as big as the atlantic ocean, but tiresome none the less). Eventually we all transitioned to the pool and that proved to be quite enjoyable.
Saturday evening we swung by the outlets in Foley for a little shopping and then Chef Brian cooked us an awesome southern dinner complete with a fish fry, cheese grits, and onion rings.
We came home relatively early on Sunday to pick Bailey up from her favorite place ever. (She's so pretty in that pic!) On her report card (yes, our dog gets a "report card" at her boarding place), it says "Bailey had a fun day chasing everyone around the yard."

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