Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sickly Saturday.....

Saturday started off so well for me! I was able to sleep in a little bit and then enjoy my coffee before being productive. We stopped by the bank (deposit checks) and Good Will (got rid of the 7-8 BAGS of stuff/junk/clutter behind the bar) on the way to the dog park. Bailey got to play for a good 45 minutes with Tom while I ran a couple of errands.

On the way home my throat started hurting. I thought I would feel better after I had some lunch, but I ended up feeling worse. (It may have had something to do with one of my baby patients sneezing in my face Friday afternoon???)

Soon, Emergen-C, Cold Eeze zinc lozenges, Black tea, and tissues became my best friends. I was still able to be slightly productive (opening a Roth IRA - YES! I finally took the plunge - and finishing an online class for work). And of course, watching the Gold Medal game (or match?) of men's Curling. What a weird sport.

Luckily, by Sunday morning I felt back to normal. Other than the disappointing end to the hockey game, Sunday was a pretty good day! I thought of a few more goals for the month of March and started working toward them. I'm still deciding if I want to share them publicly and reveal how truly neurotic I can be :)

1 comment:

Erin McCoy said...

i like the goal sharing.. it's kinda like accountability too haha