Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where will we end up?

So it's no secret that our time here in Alabama is coming to an end. We still don't know exactly when Tom is going to finish but we should have a better idea in the next several months. It's been so challenging for me not knowing where we will be living a year from now. I'm such a planner and I need to plan EVERYTHING, especially a big move with new jobs for both of us! Also, I'm failing miserably at my New Year's Resolution of not obsessing over where we'll be. Every time Tom mentions a lab that he may be interested in this is what I do:

1) Log onto Craig's List in that city and find us a place to live (1-2 bedroom, 2 bath, and a fenced in yard for Bailey)
2) Search the internet to find what jobs are available for pediatric physical therapy
3) Mapquest the distance from my parents and his parents
4) Count the number of people we already know living in the area

It's a vicious cycle. I've wasted countless hours planning our new lives only to hear about a new lab in a new city several weeks/months later. Since last April (Tom's AACR Conference), here is a list of the cities (in chronological order) that have been mentioned:

1) Memphis, TN
2) Washington DC
3) New York
4) Boston
5) Chicago
6) Frederick, MD

And yes, I found housing and jobs in all of them :) So I guess my obsessive-compulsive behavior may pay off when we actually do decide on where we'll be moving. Until then....I'll try to stay off of Craig's List.


Unknown said...

As a semi-reformed obsessive compulsive planner and list maker, a year of not knowing if, when or where I would have a job helped. Not a lot...but a bit. But I'm officially putting a moratorium on this kind of talk, until we have Tom's committees permission to write a thesis established.

Unknown said...

Oh and if it helps I have SUPER FAILED on the resolution to not let people on the phone calling me sir get on my nerves.

Brian said...

I know exactly how you guys feel. All I can say is that it will definately work out. As long as ya'll are open to whatever city you end up in, the plan will fall into place! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I second Brian's comment. It will all work out... and eventhough Kelly says we can't talk about it until Tom gets the OK to write his thesis, I'll be secretly praying its Chicago!