Monday, October 18, 2010

Chicago Trip

We made it back from our weekend visit to Chicago! It was a rocky start….between my back pain and a much longer than anticipated “interview” followed by our first house showing which was a place that you couldn’t pay me to live in!

Friday things started to look up. We went to look at a few homes/apartments and saw the one that we ultimately ended up renting. Friday evening we went out to this little restaurant/bar that was right around the corner from our hotel and it was amazing. I don’t know if it was just the fact that we were able to sit down, relax, and enjoy some quality conversation, food, and drink or if it really was that great of a place. Regardless, Rocks Lakeview is on our short list of places to frequent when we move to Chicago.

Saturday we saw a few more places to live but none compared to our favorite place that we saw on Friday, so we called the agent and fortunately the unit was still available. We filled out applications, met the landlords, and were actually able to sign the lease on Saturday (which was a HUGE relief considering I forgot our checkbook)!! Seriously, I had a BINDER, complete with tabs, organized full of everything we could have needed on this trip, from potential apartments/houses, directions, maps, hotel/flight information, and work forms!

We LOVE the new place! It is in a 4 unit building and has a shared, fenced-in back yard where Bailey can play. It was the biggest of any of the places we saw and it even has a (non-working) fireplace! It’s on the 2nd floor and gets TONS of sunlight, and it’s perfect because the house next door isn’t as tall as our building so even though we could open our window and probably touch our neighbor’s roof, no one can actually see in through our windows. Our landlords also happen to own a siding and window company so the unit has new energy efficient windows as well! I’m hoping that, along with all of the sunlight, will keep our heating bill from skyrocketing during those cold Chicago winters!!

Saturday night we drove up to see our friend Kedar who lives north of the city and met up with Anne and Brian (who live in Milwaukee) for some greek food followed by a few drinks at a cute little pub in the far north suburbs of Chicago.

I’m so happy to say that I’m FINALLY EXCITED about moving to Chicago!! Like, really excited! I still don’t have a job yet but I have a couple of promising options so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that!!

This is my last full week of work (my last day is next Monday) so I’m sure it will be very busy (I have to give an inservice on Thursday that I haven’t even started yet) and full of emotions. Next week is Tom’s public Defense and then we will be packing like crazy for our big move!


Brian said...

Your place looks awesome! See ya'll soon!

Unknown said...

I'm excited you have somewhere to live in a few weeks. Excited to see the pictures of the place when you get settled.