Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Blizzaster Fun!

Happy Winter Storm everyone! I am writing from home in the middle of the day on a Wednesday because it is a State of Emergency and no one could go to work! So far we have 20.5 inches of snow (according to the news). The third largest snow storm in Chicago history! Right now the sun is shining but we're supposed to get some more "Lake Effect Snow" this afternoon. I am loving my day off mid-week but not loving that my PTO balance will drop even further into the negative! Here are some picture collages of all of the snowfun! The picture to the left is our kitchen window this morning...we could barely see outside!

This is the view of our street from our living room window for the past 24 hours. My favorite is the little white car in the middle that slowly disappears :)

This is the railing on the back porch.

And finally, pics of the pup! She (of course) absolutely loved the snow. She tried to help Tom shovel, and at one point snatched my glove and ran around with it like it was her most favorite toy in the whole world!

And I couldn't make a snow blog post without a video of Bailey running (galloping) through the snow!

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