Friday, February 04, 2011

I'm a stylish blogger!

Guess what? Chi-town Southerner gave me a Stylish Blogger Award! As with any really awesome award, there are some responsibilities that go along with it. They are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award
Thanks Chi-town Southerner! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog while googling random words to try to spark creativity for my new blog name when I moved to Chicago!

2. Share 7 things about yourself
Well, I shared with you 25 random things about myself back in March of 2009, so I'm going to try to come up with 7 new things without looking back at this blog.
1. Lately I've been loving rocking out to Chicago's "Rewind 100.3" Best of the 80's and Today radio while I'm in the kitchen cooking
2. Tom and I are starting to look for a house....well, maybe...
3. Knitting stresses me out
4. I drink Sleepytime tea every night
5. I've only been doing yoga about 1x/week (oops)
6. When I was little I cut my dad's hair while he was zoned out watching tv
7. I aspirate a lot...I should probably get that checked out

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
Okay, most of the blogs I follow are not "recently discovered" but I will award my favorite blogs to read:
Kelly at Iowa Girl in Bama
Anne and Brian at The Drankas
Libby at Don't Waste Your Cancer (Okay, I'm sure she could care less about a Stylish Blogger Award, as she has many other things on her plate, but I can't stop reading her blog! And I think she's pretty stylish ;)

Hmmm, every other blogger that I read either A) already has 18 million followers or B) only blogs once every 3 months (Stacy!). One of my favorite, favorite, favorite blogs (that I recently discovered at least) is Hyperbole and a Half. My particular favorites are Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving, The Party, The God of Cake, and This is Why I'll Never be an Adult.

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