Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Snowpocalypse, Snomageddon, Blizzaster...

Those are just a few of the words that are being used to describe the massive snow storm we are getting right now in Chicago. I've never heard of any of them before (which is weird because I grew up in a town where we had at least 3-5 snow days to make up every single year). Although I think my favorite happens to be found on a t-shirt....
The front: Chizzard 2011
The back: Hide yo kids, hide yo wife

Hahhaha. If this isn't funny to you, you missed out on this original video and then the remix from nowhere else than my former state of residence, Alabama (there is also a Christmas version if you missed it last month).

Anyways it's hard to tell how much snow we have right now because it's so windy that the snow is drifting all over. We got a couple inches last night and then it started around 2pm and has been going strong ever since. I also learned what exactly entails a "blizzard:"
1) Visibility less than 1/4 mile
2) Winds over 35 mph
3) Snow and the above two things for 3 hours
We're supposed to get around 24 inches by tomorrow afternoon, have some thundersnow, and wind gusts are supposed to reach 60 mph!
Bailey has been LOVING it. She runs in giant circles and then crashes into a snow drift. I can't wait to take her out again tomorrow!

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