Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday night Tom and I celebrated Valentine's day the same way we have for the past 3 years....Pizza Hut takeout and drinks :) (With plenty of everything leftover!!) It warmed up a bit too this a balmy 37 degrees, but it doesn't even compare to the Valentine's Weekends in Alabama when I could go for a run in shorts and a t-shirt and be comfortable!
We didn't really get gifts for each other this year (actually, I think we never give gifts for Valentine's Day....except for flowers...which is perfectly fine with me!). We have been talking a lot about a few minor things we want to get for the apartment. For example, I hate our bedroom. It just doesn't feel cozy and it doesn't feel like a bedroom. We rearranged a few things in the bedroom and took a few things out. Today we went to Ikea and Home Goods to pick up a few things to make the bedroom more "cozy." We bought full length brown curtains (instead of using the ones from our old apartment that barely covered the windows. We bought a cozy fluffy brown rug to go under (and around) the bed. (There were seriously some nights where I wouldn't get up to pee because I didn't want to touch the cold floor with my bear feet)! Finally we moved the mirror from the living room and put it above our bedroom dresser and bought a new (and much bigger) mirror for the living room. I love it!

We did a few other (free) things to the room including changing the duvet cover, adding a few throw pillows that were sitting in the linen closet, removing the tv (I've only watched it twice since we moved), and added a lamp to one of the bedside tables (I didn't think we needed it because the room has overhead lighting, but it really does make a difference!). I forgot to take any "before" pictures but here are the "after" pics!

(Sidebar: We're not allowed to paint in this apartment, otherwise that would have helped a ton!)

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