Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yeah, I'm a little past due with the blog updates. Sorry! Last week was so busy with work I didn't feel much like blogging....actually I didn't feel much like doing anything. Thankfully the weekend came and revived me!

Saturday we went to Tom's Pathology picnic. Our last one. Sad. I didn't manage to take any pics. It was too hot to make any extra effort :) We enjoyed some Jim 'N Nick's BBQ and got to catch up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while. Two of our friends, Erin & Keith, recently became foster parents to two of the most adorable little girls. The one year old was napping when we got there and woke up a few minutes later with a smile on her face and was just as happy as she could be! I hope someday our kids wake up from naps smiling.......that is definitely a characteristic that I am lacking. Saturday afternoon we both spent an hour or 2 at work and then finally went to Chili's with our gift card (we had planned on going for my birthday but that didn't end up happening).

Sunday I had a very productive morning around the house followed by a lazy, relaxing afternoon by the pool with friends. It was perfect! The weekend has been so relaxing I don't want it to end. But I know if I don't go to bed soon I won't be too pleasant in the AM!

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