Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2 words. Choker chain!

We've had Bailey for almost 2 months now. We've learned quite a bit about Basenji's including the fact that they are completely hyper, high-strung, sniff everywhere types of dogs. One thing that we've been working on a lot with her lately is "Loose leash walking" or "Walk with Me."

"Walk with Me" is when we hold a treat in our left hand and try to get her to walk along side of us on the left without walking in front of us. All the puppies at puppy school do okay on this, except for Bailey. For about the first 15-20 feet she bounces at your hand like she is on a trampoline. After several weeks of training, she is not quite as bouncy, but only walks at your side for about 25% (if that) of the walk. She just pulls ahead and no matter how much her collar is pulling against her neck, it doesn't matter, she just keeps going.

Tom and I have been trying very hard to avoid any "negative reinforcement" with her and only focus on the positives. However, we both are tired of her walking us around the neighborhood and think she has too much energy right now to fully comprehend all of her positive reinforcement via treats.

So we broke down and bought a choker chain for her.

HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!! Best $3.69 I ever spent! The first time we put it on her we noticed a difference!! And she never actually has choked herself on it either. It pulls tight, I say "heel," and she walks right by my side, with the LEASH LOOSE!!

We were so proud of her that we bought her a "Tuffy Ring." Supposedly the "World's Tuffest Stuffed Dog Toy." An "8" on the Tuffy scale. Psssshhhhhhhhhhhh. Too bad in a matter of hours she ripped through the first layer of material. Luckily there are 3 layers, so hopefully it will last her a week.
Bailey going Psycho on her Tuffy Ring

Stacy "bottle feeding" Bailey at the dog park. So spoiled!

Bailey and her new BFF at the dog park. I'm pretty sure Bailey and this dog are somehow related. Note: The curled Basenji tails. Maybe they had the same mommy???

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