Friday, February 13, 2009

Puppy School Graduate!!

That's right! Bailey graduated from Obedience school Monday night!! Not that it's any marvelous feat, considering everyone who attended "graduated." But it was still fun and they put a cute little hat on her to take her picture!! I was sooooooooo excited! I was secretly wishing they would have a little graduation hat! Here are some pics :)

This is the Musical Chairs version of "sit." Whoever sits upon command last is out. Bailey won 2nd place!!The dog that won was in the advanced class the whole time AND she was a corgi so she was already like 2 inches from the fair!!

Go Bailey!!
Here she is! My proud graduate! I HEART the hat!!

This was her prize for graduating. Surprisingly, she didn't completely destroy it in 24 hours!!

And this is Boo! Boo was my favorite. Beleive it or not, Boo has TWICE the energy as Bailey and she's twice as big! I would be really frustrated if Boo was my dog, but she's funny to watch in class because she's so hyper. She's a good dog though :) She just makes me laugh.

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