Friday, November 12, 2010


Wow, after a rocky start, I'd say we had a great first full week in Chicago! All of our worldly posessions arrived Wednesday night. They had to unload everything in the dark (only because they arrived 4 hours after they called and told us they would be there) so we left the back door open to make it easier for them and to shed a little light outside. Bailey kept herself entertained for a little while by ripping the eyes out of every single one of her toys.
Eventually she got bored and tried to inch her way out to the back deck. Our back deck happens to be shared with our nextdoor neighbor. At one point, I was in the kitchen unpacking boxes when I heard the movers say "No, here girl! Don't go in there!" Bailey decided to introduce herself to our neighbors by running into their apartment and sniffing everthing when they opened their back door!! I was mortified!! I ran over, apologized profusely, and embarrassingly introduced myself to the neighbors. Thankfully, they thought it was hilarious and didn't mind her at all. A few minutes later, they even came over and gave us 2 bottles of wine as a welcome gift! (One of our neighbors works for a company called Wine Connoisseur). We are slowly unpacking and getting settled. I think Bailey was more excited than we were for our couches to arrive!
The other reason we are celebrating this weekend is because I had FIVE interviews this week! Three of them were at the children's hospital (first choice), one at RIC, and one at a small outpatient center/school. I think they went well so keep your fingers crossed for me! I'm hoping I hear something by next week!

1 comment:

Brian said...

This is the funniest pic of Bailey I've ever seen. She's so photogenic! Glad ya'll are doing well!