Friday, November 26, 2010

Hmmmmm, thoughts?

We've been here for 3 weeks now so I've been feeling the pressure to come up with a new blog name and header! My creativity is seriously lacking these days, wait, actually I've never really been the "creative" type. So this is what I've come up with. Once I get some good pics of the city and our surroundings/life here I'll make it better...and Tom offered up his computer expertise to make me a better header.

As for the blog name? I seriously could not come up with anything better, so that will have to do for now. I reserve the right to change the name at any time should a super awesome name be brought to my attention :)


Unknown said...

I like that its kind of like Anne of Green Gables (one of my favorites). Leave it to me to relate it to a book.

ALB said...

That's where I got it from!! Yay, someone got the reference...of course it would be you ;)